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Certified DASA DevOps Professional - Specify & Verify (exam i (DASADEV-SV)

This two-day course is about the ultimate goal of any business: delivering value. Understanding the customers' needs, communicating these to the team clearly, and ensuring the intended outcome
€1595,00 excl. BTW

Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps solutions (AZ-40 (M-AZ400)

This AZ-400 course provides the knowledge and skills to design and implement DevOps processes and practices. You will learn how to plan for DevOps, use source control, scale Git for an enterprise,
€2195,00 excl. BTW

DevOps Engineering on AWS (GK1979)

Nederlands: In deze AWS training wordt u geleerd hoe u de meest gebruikelijke DevOps-patronen kunt gebruiken voor het ontwikkelen, implementeren en onderhouden van applicaties op AWS. Deze cursus
€1995,00 excl. BTW

Certified DASA DevOps Coach (exam included) (DASADEV-C)

Agile, Scrum, DevOps, and Lean IT enable the realization of the customer value more rapidly than traditional methods. Like all other hyper growth trends in our IT industry, adoption of DevOps is also
€2195,00 excl. BTW

DevOps Fundamentals DASA + examen (DEVOPS)

200 keer sneller software deployment, 30 keer hogere deployment frequentie en een change succesrate die 60 keer hoger ligt. Dit zijn de feiten! Organisaties als Netflix, Spotify en Facebook
€1595,00 excl. BTW